Wednesday, February 29

Chicken Sopas

This is probably the best sopas I've ever cooked.  And the one with the shortest cooking time too.  Haha.  Probably because I used leftover chicken.

  • chicken (can be shredded, with bone or chunks so long as it's cut into smaller pieces; breast or fillet is especially superb for this) - we used our leftover black roasted chicken (from fairprice) from previous night's dinner 
  • about 4 cloves of garlic  
  • half of a medium-sized red onion
  • one can of carnation full cream milk
  • half pack (or a whole pack, whatever suits you) of macaroni pasta - actually, any kind of pasta will do
  • two pieces of bay leaves
  • diced carrots (minced is okay, too)
  • chicken cubes (i would have used chicken stock, but the one that i got from fairprice for free didn't smell good anymore)
  • spring onions - one onion in the kitchen started growing onion stalks, so i just cut them off
  • grated cheese
  • salt and pepper

shred the leftover chicken into smaller pieces, remove the bones.  if it's fresh, then cut it into smaller pieces.

heat the cooking pan and pour oil into it (olive oil for a better taste). 

throw in the chicken and cook it until the meat has turned white.

add the onions and cook for another 1 or 2 minutes or until they are translucent enough.  then, add the garlic.

when the garlic is done, add the bay leaves and diced carrots.  saute for another 2 or 3 minutes.

add salt and pepper.

add the full cream milk.  allow it to simmer.  stir it every now and then to prevent the milk from curdling.

when it starts to boil a little, add the pasta.  then, add about half a cup of water.  the amount of water actually depends on how much pasta you are going to cook.  it may be one cup.  just make sure the pasta is covered with liquid.  stir it every now and then.

wait until the pasta is cooked.

while waiting, add the chicken cubes.  keep stirring but make sure you don't smash the pasta.

once the pasta is done, add the grated cheese.  stir.  then, add the spring onions.  stir again and let simmer for another couple of minutes. 


if there's more than enough sopas, you can keep the rest in the fridge then re-heat it the next day.  however, the pasta will most probably soak up the sauce or liquid of the sopas.  what i did was mix about half a bowl of milk (doesn't have to be another carnation can; regular drinking milk is okay) and grated cheese and salt.  stir it like you're making scrambled eggs.  then, add it to the leftover sopas while you're re-heating it.

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