Tuesday, February 7

one week at a time

whenever i want to train myself to do something, i have to continuously do it for one week straight.  that's how i sort of condition or train my body to think "okay, from now on, this is what we're going to do."  except maybe when i quit smoking...or maybe not.  i remember i was really sick that time that even a faint smell of smoke made my nose very itchy.  i couldn't remember if it was a week or only a few days, but clearly i had to stop smoking to make myself well.  and when i did, it seemed that my body didn't want nicotine anymore.  so i stopped smoking altogether.  so there, i guess it was the same after all.  haha.

now i'm doing this again.  consciously this time.  i really hope to accomplish everything.  i don't want to stress myself into doing several things at the same time (except for those which are clearly doable).  my ultimate goal being:  to go back to my original shape before i came to singapore.  i don't weigh myself, so my clothes would have to be the judges.

my goals for the next 14 or so weeks.

1.  oatmeal for breakfast everyday  - done

2.  sync meal times - done

3.  sleep before 12 midnight - currently doing (well, started sunday night)

4.  wake up early and willingly (up by 7.30 during weekdays)

5.  take the stairs going up to our unit - oh yes, ground floor to the 9th floor.  stairs.  - mondays to fridays - currently doing

6.  30 minutes walk everyday - i really have to make a conscious effort for this.  everyday.  as in including weekends.  regardless if we go out or not.

7.  jump 15-20 times everyday - everyday

8.  more water intake - again, another conscious effort.  i have to count this.  8 glasses of water everyday. - starting today

9.  no more iced tea - start today

10.  more kindle, less iphone - yes.  go back to reading.  to be honest, my iphone drags me down.  i do less of whatever needs to be done because i constantly check my emails and the games that i play.  haha.  need to be more conscious.

11.  a cup of tea everyday - green tea is soooo bitter!!!  but it's really good to my bladder. - currently doing

12.  vegetables for every rice meal - i cannot not eat rice, especially for some dishes.  so, should that happen, i MUST have some kind of vegetable for each meal.

13.  lessen meat intake - i'm not trying to be a vegetarian or anything.  just less beef, pork and then chicken.  this will be sooooo hard because ross is allergic to most seafoods and does not feel full if served a vegetable dish.  and i'm always cooking for the both of us.  sooo hard and expensive.

14.  run for 30 minutes twice a week - i really need to do this again. 

NOTE:  this maybe the most sensible post i've ever done so far.  haha.

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